03 Jun Slipping Into Winter

Slipping Into Winter
There are a number of initiatives to raise funds for good causes these days and one such event was Slipper Day on 7th of May. For a donation of R20 you got a sticker and were allowed to wear your slippers to work on that day! The administration team in Port Elizabeth decided it would be a good initiative to support to have a little fun and be part of helping those less fortunate to have an opportunity to reach their dream. As can be seen from the picture, a few not only wore their slippers!
Note from the MD
Another year of production at the Citrusdal plant has just finished. The annual deep cleaning of the plant along with repairs and maintenance now kick in over the next two months.
In between all these activities is also the time when the staff get some well earned time off. I wish all those who are getting a break during this time a fantastic rest and remind you to be careful as the COVID-19 numbers seem once again to be on the rise.
This also brings to an end the first season with the new radiation source in place. The positive impact this has had on the size, health and quality of our moths has been fantastic to see.
There is also a large amount of work going on behind the scenes on some key value adding initiatives that will be rolled out in the new SIT season so exciting times lie ahead.
Cheers Rob
Birthdays in June:
Darraleen Anderson, Anrico Basson, Jerry Botha, Carmen Coetzee, Rhoderick Floors, Nathan Fortuin, Johnique Fransman, Cohen Geduldt, Andrea Jackson, Taswald Kamfer, Anrich Lenee, Rohen Ludik, Joy Nel, Goodman Nqubelani, Martiens Oktober, Monrae Skeepers, Donvan Swartz